Monday, November 21, 2011

Healing Through Custom Orthotics - Part 2


Custom foot orthotics are devices that are specialized insoles that are used to correct the mechanics of the feet, putting them in a more optimal position.  The can be incorporated into the shoe directly, or be portable in which case they can be moved from shoe to shoe.
Custom Orthotics Toronto

There are many different modifications that can be made to orthotics depending on how the foot behaves.  Generally, for people who over-pronate or whose arches collapse, the orthotic will contain varying degrees of arch support to stop the arch from collapsing or over-pronating.  People who have metatarsal pain (or pain in the ball of the foot), will often have a modification called a metatarsal pad added to the orthotic.  This will actually spread the metatarsals out and lessen the stresses placed on them from the rest of the foot.

Once your feet are in alignment, less stresses are placed on other parts of the body, including the ankle, knee, hip, and low back. Your body is functioning more optimally and this can help prevent pain from occurring in these areas in the future.

Orthotics will last about one year if they are being used on an every day basis and taken care of.  They are usually covered by your insurance company as well.

Research on Orthotics

In a 2004 study of 275 patients that had custom foot orthoses for over a year, the majority of subjects obtained between 60-100% relief of symptoms with only 9% reporting no relief of symptoms. (Walter JH, Ng G, Stoitz JJ: A patient satisfaction survey on prescription custom-molded foot orthoses. JAPMA, 94:363-367).

This 2004 article review stated that the evidence suggests that foot orthoses produce reductions in pain and disability associated with plantar fasciitis (Karl B. Landorf, Anne-Maree Keenan, and Robert D. Herbert Effectiveness of Different Types of Foot Orthoses for the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2004 94: 542-549).

In a study that measured pain relief in 64 subjects with osteoarthritis in the foot and ankle, 100% of the patients wearing orthoses had significantly longer relief of pain than those patients receiving only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Thompson JA, Jennings MB, Hodge W: Orthotic therapy in the management of osteoarthritis. JAPMA, 82:136-139, 1992).

In a 2003 study of 102 athletic patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome, 76.5% of patients improved and 2% were asymptomatic after 2-4 weeks of receiving the custom foot orthoses (Saxena A, Haddad J: The effect of foot orthoses on patellofemoral pain syndrome. 93:264-271, 2003).

In this 1999 study, subjects experienced more than twice the improvement in alleviation of pain, and for twice as long, compared with subjects in a study using traditional back-pain treatment. (Dananberg HJ, Guiliano M: Chronic low-back pain and its response to custom-made foot orthoses. 89:109-117, 1999).

Custom orthotics are great for your health and well-being and feel fantastic under your feet.  Your health and body deserve the best care possible.

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